Put These Copper Stocks in Your Portfolio Now

Sep 16, 2023 By Kelly Walker

Copper is sizzling hot right now, and for good reason. The demand for this versatile metal will double by 2035, thanks to its crucial role in renewable energy and electrifying the transportation sector.

If you're looking to capitalize on this trend, keep an eye on the stocks we're about to discuss—but remember, always do your due diligence before diving in.

Here are our top copper stocks you should invest in:

BHP Group

BHP Group is a global mining giant born from the merger of Australia's BHP and Anglo-Dutch Billiton. With offices worldwide, they're a leader in diversified resources, mining everything from copper to uranium.

The company aims for long-term value, focusing on shareholders, employees, and sustainable practices. They've even laid out decarbonization plans, signaling a commitment to environmental responsibility.

CEO Mike Henry champions operational excellence and social value. His leadership style has garnered attention, making BHP an appealing investment option.

Financially, BHP is a fortress. They've managed debt effectively and boast an impressive market cap. Their stock performance? An average annual return of 13.5%.

The company's Smart Score of 9 is based on a mix of data, including analyst ratings and hedge fund activity. This score underscores BHP's attractiveness as an investment.


Freeport-McMoRan has a storied history that dates back to 1912, starting as Freeport Sulphur and later merging with McMoRan Oil & Gas in 1981. This company has its fingers in many pies, from oil and gas to a medley of minerals, including, of course, copper.

They struck gold, literally and figuratively, with the discovery of the Grasberg copper and gold deposit in Indonesia in 1988. This mine has since become a behemoth in the world of copper and gold deposits.

When it comes to operations, Freeport-McMoRan is a global player. They've got the Grasberg district in Indonesia, copper mines in Arizona and New Mexico, and even ventures in South America, including Peru's Cerro Verde and Chile's El Abra.

The company's return on equity (ROE) is expected to hit 16% in the next three years. That's a strong indicator of financial health. They also have a low payout ratio of 13%, meaning they're reinvesting a hefty chunk of their profits back into the business.

Copper is the company's main squeeze, and that's good. Copper is the darling of the clean energy movement, and Freeport-McMoRan is well-positioned to benefit from this trend.

The company has a history of paying out to shareholders, and that payout ratio is expected to rise to 21% in the coming years.

Teck Resources

Teck Resources is a century-old natural resources firm keen on mining and mineral development. Copper, zinc, and steelmaking coal are just a few of the elements in their repertoire. They've also dabbled in energy, making them a multifaceted player in the resources game.

The company's global copper ventures stretch from British Columbia to Chile and even Peru. Remember the Antamina project in Peru? Teck was a key player there, and production kicked off in the very year they acquired an interest.

Fast forward to today, and Teck is knee-deep in the Quebrada Blanca Phase 2 Project in Chile. This isn't just another project; it's set to be a copper concentrate powerhouse. The numbers are staggering: a 27-year initial mine life and a potential to double the company's copper production.

Speaking of numbers, the QB2 project aims to churn out between 285,000 and 315,000 tonnes of copper annually in the next few years. That's not just impressive; it's a copper bonanza.

Why should you care about Teck Resources? Well, their copper projects are not just numerous but also robust. The QB2 project alone is a testament to their commitment to ramping up copper production.

The company isn't just sitting on its laurels; it's pushing the envelope with its Copper Growth portfolio. This includes eight major copper-centric assets that are more than just blips on the industry radar.

Southern Copper

Southern Copper Corporation has a rich history, tracing its roots back to 1952. The real transformation occurred in 2005 when Minera México stepped in with an acquisition. Now, as part of the Grupo México empire, they're a copper-producing powerhouse. They're not just mining copper; they're also masters of cost control and judicious capital allocation.

They're the industry leaders when it comes to copper reserves. Operating in investment-friendly countries like Mexico and Peru, they've got some of the most coveted assets in the copper world.

Expansion is clearly on their agenda. The Pilares mine is set to feed the Caridad concentrator soon, adding a substantial 35,000 tonnes of copper to their annual output. On another front, the new zinc concentrator at Buenavista is gearing up for a launch in the latter half of 2023. This isn't small change; it will churn out 100,000 tons of zinc and an extra 20,000 tons of copper each year.

The company is also laying the groundwork for the El Pilar copper project in Sonora, eyeing a 2025 production start. With a hefty budget of $310 million, this is a significant commitment for Southern Copper.

Southern Copper is a great investment option. They have abundant copper reserves, focus on low-cost production, and invest in projects to increase their production. With a strong financial track record, it's a stable investment in a copper market with excellent long-term prospects.

Ero Copper

Ero Copper is a rising star in the copper industry, operating mainly in Brazil while keeping its corporate pulse in Vancouver, B.C. The company's crown jewel is a nearly complete stake in Mineração Caraíba S.A., which runs the Caraíba Operations in Brazil's Curaçá Valley. They're not just about copper; they also have a significant interest in NX Gold S.A.

The company's mining activities are diverse, spanning the Pilar and Vermelhos underground mines to the Surubim open pit. They're also eyeing the future with the Boa Esperança development project, also known as the Tucumã Project, in Pará, Brazil.

Ero Copper isn't just maintaining the status quo; they're in growth mode. Their Tucumã Project is on track to double their annual copper production by 2025. And let's not forget their recent nickel sulfide find in the Curaçá Valley, which adds another layer to their growth prospects.

Why should Ero Copper be on your investment radar? For starters, they've got a portfolio of high-grade, low-cost assets with room for exploration. They're not just sitting around but actively working to double their copper output. Financially, they're on solid ground, making them well-positioned for organic growth.

The company's return on invested capital is among the best in its peer group. They're not just about making money but about creating sustainable value. And if you're worried about the regulatory landscape, Brazil's long mining history and stable tax policy should put those concerns to rest.


Copper is set to shine as the world gears up for a green revolution. From governments to tech giants, everyone's eyeing this essential metal. Before you jump in, make sure to dig deep into each company's financials and growth strategies.

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